Every honey bee colony in the United States and Canada either has Varroa mites today or will have them within several months. The Coalition has developed a variety of resources for beekeepers to utilize as they combat this deadly pest.
Varroa Videos
The following videos demonstrate techniques for combating Varroa mites.
Free Varroa Resources

Varroa Management Guide
The Guide explains practical, effective methods to manage Varroa mites within your hives.

Varroa Management Decision Tool
This tool will walk you through the decisions you need to make to determine how best to manage varroa mites

Host an Evening Varroa Bee Club Program
The Honey Bee Health Coalition has developed an informative evening program for your bee club or association. You can either use the prepared presentation or play the recording to your club.
Tools for Varroa Management

01. Integrated pest management spreadsheet
Use this spreadsheet to track integrated pest management (IPM) activities for control of Varroa mites