
Honey Bee Health Coalition Publishes Comprehensive Guidebook for Developing Pollinator-Friendly Utility-Scale Solar Projects

Words by:
Marques Chavez
September 24, 2024

Denver, Colo., Sept. 24, 2024— The Honey Bee Health Coalition announced today the release of its new guidebook, Guidelines for Developing Pollinator-Friendly Utility-Scale Solar Projects. This comprehensive guide is designed to help solar developers and project stakeholders integrate pollinator health and habitat benefits into the design and management of utility-scale solar (USS) projects.

“This new guidebook is a significant resource aimed at integrating multiple environmental benefits as well pollinator habitat and health considerations into the rapidly growing field of utility-scale solar projects,” said Pete Berthelsen, president of Conservation Blueprint and principal author of the guidebook. “By providing detailed guidelines that are based practical experience and advice, the Honey Bee Health Coalition aims to foster projects that support both renewable energy and pollinator conservation efforts.”

“It was a valuable experience to serve on the technical review committee for this guidebook and to contribute insights from the utility-scale solar industry,” said Stephanie Lauer, senior director of permitting, lands, and GIS at 174 Power Global. “These projects play a crucial role in our energy future, and it’s important we ensure they can be developed in harmony with the natural environment, supporting pollination and biodiversity across the landscape.”

The Guidelines for Developing Pollinator-Friendly Utility-Scale Solar Projects aims to support the creation of USS projects that not only contribute to renewable energy goals but also enhance pollinator health and habitats. As the United States transitions to more renewable energy sources, it is estimated that over 10 million acres of USS projects will be installed between 2023 and 2033. These projects present a unique opportunity to address pollinator health and habitat needs, benefiting honey bees, native bees, butterflies, grassland songbirds, and other wildlife.

Key Highlights:

  • Site Suitability and Preparation: Detailed instructions on assessing site suitability and preparing the site for successful establishment of pollinator-friendly vegetation.
  • Designing Pollinator Seed Mixes: Guidance on designing and selecting appropriate seed mixtures that meet the height restrictions of solar panels and provide significant pollinator health benefits.
  • Management and Maintenance: Best practices for managing and maintaining pollinator habitats, including strategies for different growing seasons and long-term vegetation management plans.

Pollinators, including honey bees, play a critical role in U.S. agriculture and ecosystems. Honey bees provide pollination services for the majority of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, benefiting over 140 crops. Unfortunately, honey bees and other pollinators face significant challenges, including habitat loss and declining health. This guide aims to mitigate these issues by promoting the establishment of pollinator-friendly habitats within USS projects.

The Guidelines for Developing Pollinator-Friendly Utility-Scale Solar Projects is available for free on the Habitat and Nutrition page of the Honey Bee Health Coalition’s website.

About the Honey Bee Health Coalition

The Honey Bee Health Coalition brings together beekeepers, growers, researchers, government agencies, agribusinesses, conservation groups, manufacturers, brands and other key partners to improve the health of honey bees and other pollinators. Its mission is to collaboratively implement solutions that help achieve a healthy population of honey bees while also supporting populations of native and managed pollinators in the context of productive agricultural systems and thriving ecosystems. The Coalition focuses on accelerating the collective impact of efforts in four key areas: forage and nutrition; hive management; crop pest management; and communications, outreach and education.

The Honey Bee Health Coalition is a project of the Keystone Policy Center, a nationally recognized nonprofit that brings together diverse stakeholders to find collaborative, actionable solutions to public policy challenges.
