
Habitat & Nutrition

We promote on-farm practices and policies to increase access to a varied and nutritious pollinator diet.

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Habitat Recommendations to Federal Agencies

We provide recommendations to improve and increase forage in USDA Farm Bill Conservation Program Recommendations.

Coalition members offer consensus recommendations to increase the pollinator value and cost-effectiveness of USDA Farm bill private lands conservation programs like the Conservation Reserve Program. These programs provide critical habitat for bees and other pollinators.

Public Land Recommendations

Private Land Recommendations

01. Focus on Forage

Bee forage creates multiple benefits for pollinators, crop production, biodiversity, soil health, water quality, and other agricultural interests. The Focus on Forage Series highlights how the Honey Bee Health Coalition, its members, and other partners are working on-the-ground and leading innovative efforts to create honey bee and pollinator forage.

02. Supply Chain Sustainability

Many on-farm sustainability projects already exist as part of grower and supply chain partner efforts. The Coalition seeks to connect pollinator health into these broader sustainability initiatives. Please visit our Supply Chain Sustainability page to learn more.

Habitat Establishment Information

The Coalition provides information and resources to improve nutrition for honey bees and other pollinators by developing bee-friendly, high-quality, spatially- and temporally-relevant landscapes as well as supplemental honey bee nutrition.


01. Best Management Practices Guides

A wide range of public and private organizations have developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the honey bee industry and agriculture producers.

02. Farmers for Monarchs

Identifying and implementing solutions on agricultural and ranching lands to achieve a sustainable monarch butterfly population.

03. Pollinator Habitat Guide

This guide from the Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund outlines the steps that go into planning, preparing, planting, and maintaining great pollinator habitat.

04. Guidelines for Developing Pollinator-Friendly Utility-Scale Solar Projects

A guide for Utility-scale solar (USS) projects that are seeking to include pollinator health and habitat benefits in their project design and management.

Next Program

Crop Pest Management

Ensure honey bees have access to a varied and nutritious diet.
Learn more about this program